iAlterImage & iAlterImage CS

iAlterImage and iAlterImage CS are great tools for quickly modifying, converting, renaming images. Please let me know of any issues or bugs that crop up (no pun intended...) These apps used to be available on the Mac App Store for a small fee but due to Apple security limitations it is too difficult to post them there anymore. Apple no longer allows AppleScript based apps to control third party applications like Photoshop ( too bad!) so here they are and they are free. Please consider a donation to help me keep these great apps alive.
iAlterImage is a standalone app good for processing folders of images for web site inclusion and many other uses. You can resize, change resolution, rotate, crop, and more. All this takes seconds instead of hours. I use iAlterImage to resize my full size images for my portfolio web site an a daily basis as well as making changes to all kinds of images on the fly.
iAlterImage download here:
iAlterImage CS is a great helper app to use alongside Adobe Photoshop (all versions so far.) It is good for processing folders of images for web site inclusion. You can resize, change resolution, rotate, crop, save for web, sharpen and more. All this takes seconds instead of hours. I use iAlterImage CS to resize my full size images for my portfolio web site an a daily basis. Note: this version only works with Adobe Photoshop installed on your computer
iAlterImage CS (for use with Adobe photoshop only) download here:
For iAlterImage CS Help go to... iAlterImage Help menu > iAlterImage CS Help